Where the Hell is Matt!!Where the Hell is Matt!!
Este video no tiene mucho que ver con fotografía pero al mismo tiempo para mí significa un mundo en fotografía. Siempre he fotografiado los lugares que he visitado y esa misma fotografía me llevo a seguir visitando. Si algo esboza una sonrisa en mi cara y me impulsa a coger mi mochila y salir a buscar nuevas fotos, eso ya es fotografía. Thanks Matt!!
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.
This video has nothing to do with photography but at the same time means a world of photography to me. I always photographed the places I have visited and that same photography took me to keep traveling. If something outline a smile in my face and motivate me to take my back pack and go out to look for new photos that is photography to me. Thanks Matt!!
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.