El futuro de las áreas liberadas en la Meseta de Níneve
Las minorías cristianas en la planicie de Níneve y las áreas alrededor de Mosul que han sido liberadas de manos del ISIL están encontrando dificultades para reconstruir la confianza en sus vecinos musulmanes suníes. El gobierno en Bagdad aún no ha implementado ningún paquete de leyes que protejan a las minorías, a pesar de una larga historia de persecuciones en Irak. Dejados a su suerte, las milicias cristianas (NPU) surgen para muchos como el futuro de la defensa de estas minorías. Vídeos disponibles
El papel de las milicias chiíes en un Irak tripartito
Estados Unidos liderando una coalición internacional ha unido fuerzas con ejércitos locales y milicias en contra del Estado Islámico en la batalla por reconquistar la ciudad de Mosul. Las milicias chiíes o también llamadas Unidades de Movilización Popular reúnen entre sus filas una mezcla de minorías étnicas y religiosas aunque su mayoría está formada por musulmanes chiíes. Han sido legalizadas y están fuertemente influenciadas por Irán. Desde que Irak clama por un país dividido entre suníes, chiíes y kurdos, el papel de esta milicias preocupa no solo a Bagdad sino a la comunidad internacional, ambos preocupados por la estabilidad de la región. Vídeos disponibles
La carretera a Mosul
La carretera a Mosul son 90 Kilómetros y une las ciudades de Erbil en el Kurdistan y Mosul en Irak. Es una carretera mal pavimentada, llena de barro y puestos de control militares. Los civiles la usan para escapar de la ciudad sitiada de Mosul. Es una carretera estratégica para cualquiera de los ejércitos, es por eso que durante los últimos dos meses los soldados kurdos y el ejército iraquí han estado disputándole al ISIL el control de estos 90 km. Hoy se pueden encontrar aldeas destruidas y campos de refugiados a lo largo de la carretera. Las ambulancias y los desplazados utilizan esta difícil carretera para llegar a los campos de refugiados o llegar a los hospitales de Erbil en busca de tratamiento médico. Vídeos disponibles
Como sobrevivir a un genocidio: una historia de 120 familias yazidies en Irak
Desde 2014, la campaña de conversión forzosa llevada a cabo por el ISIL ha resultado en el genocidio de la población Yazidies Iraquí. Miles han sido masacrados y se estima que 500.000 han sido desplazados a campos de refugiados. Esta es la historia de 120 familias que viven en una escuela en construcción abandonada en la aldea de Sharya. Muchos dan testimonios de asesinatos y miedos colectivos de perder las raíces de su cultura y religión para las generaciones futuras. Vídeos disponibles
Programas de Protección y Comunicación: Una radio pirata en la ofensiva de Mosul
Supervivientes entre la población iraquí después de la invasión del ISIL de la ciudad de Mosul, trabajan de un modo anónimo en una localización secreta en el Kurdistán Iraquí. Han creado una estación de radio pirata que ayuda a civiles a escapar de la masacre y a sobrevivir bajos los peligros de una ciudad sitiada. Los programas de radio comenzaron cuestionando al Estado Islámico y ahora con la ayuda de una ONG Local, la radio provee de información útil tanto a los refugiados que ya han escapado como para aquellos que aún siguen en manos del ISIL. Aunque sus vidas y sus familiares están amenazados de muerte por su labor humanitaria en la ofensiva de Mosul, reúnen testimonios con información valiosa para poder proteger a los civiles. El periodismo siempre fue difícil en Irak, pero ahora tienen que pagar con sus vidas por el modo de vida que han elegido. Videos disponibles
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.
The road to Mosul is 90 km long and it links the cities of Erbil in Kurdistan and Mosul in Iraq. It is a badly paved road full of mud and army check points. Civilians use the road to escape from the sieged city of Mosul. It is a logistically strategic spot for armies, that is why during the last two months the Kurdish soldiers and the Iraqi army have been fighting for the control of these 90 kilometers. Today we can find destroyed villages and refugee camps along the road. Ambulances and displaced people use this difficult road to get into refugee camps or reach Erbil hospital for treatment.